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Showing posts from April, 2018

Pharaoh & Egypt

From the Wisdom of Kabbalah, we learn that Pharaoh is our ego, our evil inclination , and Egypt is a mindset of unfounded hatred .  Moses is our desire to unite above hatred. If we apply this to our world today we can see, unmistakably, that mankind is at the height of their ego; being all about "I/me".  We have unfounded hatred toward one another.  If someone doesn't agree with our opinion, the way we think or do things, we lash out with hateful words and even hateful actions toward them.  It's so obvious that our "Pharaoh" is hard hearted, at the height of "power" and isn't currently letting us be delivered out of our "Egypt" yet. So, how do we overcome and be delivered from this bondage?  What do the Scriptures say?  The people cried out to God, and He heard their cry.  All that we are going through is to draw us to Him; to cry out to Him for deliverance and come to know Him and have a relationship with Him. After they cried