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Children Are Mirrors of Us

In Kabbalah, we learn that others are a reflection of us, and through this, we are shown by the Creator the areas in our lives that need correction.

Concerning the reflection a parent sees of themselves in their children:

We can see how they look like us, and certain aspects of character, we say, “they’re just like (us)”.  When they behave badly, one parent will say they’re acting just like “YOU”; the other parent.  But, that’s where we stop in reflecting on how they are like us.  We don’t seek out any further, deeper meaning to their behavior.
(I say behavior, because that’s the area of our children that we have the hardest times dealing with and, all too often, want to give up, run away, etc. when things get overwhelming.

I feel I can write this blog, because I have firsthand experience in having been shown by the Creator how my children (as well as others) are reflecting what I need to deal with personally, and it has brought me to cry out to Him in repentance, seeking help in making the correction He showed me.  Also, it causes me to be so very grateful that He made me aware of what needs to change within me.

Sometimes dealing with our issues being shown through our children, we have to get to the breaking point before we seek out Higher help; we just aren’t “getting” the message until this point.

Here are some examples of areas a person may deal with and are being shown a reflection through their children (again, speaking from experience):

Child is grown and doesn’t know what they want to do; they feel lost, don’t know what they’re interested in, etc.  A parent could be lost as to what they want for their future?   Wanting change, they think they know what they want, but aren’t sure.  “I want to live somewhere else, but don’t know where; I want a career change, but don’t know to what; etc.”  Ask the Creator for clarity in your life.

A child or children who are super critical of others?  Maybe a parent is super critical, as well?  “I could do that better than that person”, “How could they get my order wrong?”, “They need to smile at their customers, and be more helpful”, etc.  This is definitely a pride issue that a person is being shown by the Creator, that they need to deal with.  He HATES pride.  On this subject, after being shown this, instead of complaining, try being grateful, because in reality, the Creator only gives what it’s best for His creation, so if someone doesn’t meet your expectations, it’s for a good reason.

Have a child who seems to have an “addictive” personality (ie. they can get so consumed in doing something that that’s all they’re interested in, and don’t do things they need to)?  A parent could be being shown that they have the same thing.  It could be addicted to learning, shopping, tv, cleaning, etc.  (anything a person is consumed with can be considered an addiction)

Dealing with angry and/or defiant child/children?  A parent may be dealing with the same thing.  They may be aware of it or maybe not.  Sometimes a person can be fine with other people, but they are angry with the Creator for some reason.  It’s okay to be angry with Him.  Cry out to Him, express your feelings, engage in dialogue.  Moses, in the Bible did; he expressed whatever he was feeling/thinking.  As a parent, would you reject a conversation your child wants to have with you?  I don’t think so.  Same with our Creator; He wants communication.

According to Kabbalah, once we’ve corrected an area of our life, we don’t have to deal with that anymore.  And thus, we won’t need to see a reflection of it through others, so we would see a change in them, as well.

Summary:  I encourage you to seek out the deeper message that is being given to you by the Creator.  Don’t just take life as though there’s nothing going on, except what you observe on the surface; there are deeper levels of existence to be revealed, and it’s truly amazing!
